1718 Sherman Ave. Suite 212
Evanston, IL 60201

pregnancy massagePregnancy Massage is a form of bodywork designed specifically to focus on the special needs of a mother-to-be as she experiences many dramatic physical, mental and emotional changes during each trimester.  Pregnancy is a time in which a woman’s body encounters tremendous stress because of each of these changes. Using various techniques specifically created for the expectant mother, Pregnancy Massage helps alleviate discomforts experienced throughout the pregnancy. 

The benefits can be profound, including: reduction of joint and muscle pain due to extra weight and postural imbalance, improved breathing and relaxation, relief from uncomfortable digestive issues and emotional support throughout your whole experience.


I am Certified in both Pregnancy and Post-Natal massage to ensure that my clients receive the best caring touch possible for both themselves and their child. Knowing the importance of self care for the mother to be, I offer 75 and 90 minute sessions at the lowest cost possible.



$10 off regular price for First Pregnancy Massage
75 minute session: $133 ($25 savings)
90 minute session:  $148 ($25 savings)


Regular pricing Schedule and discounts apply after initial session.*


*Discounts can not be combined with any other discounts or special offers.